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Elle also offers the following services via the NDIS:

Counselling & Therapeutic sessions (code 0128)

Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood (code 0118)

Belief Statement

"I believe in the rights of all those with a disability and their need to have access to an effective complaints process. 

I’m committed to the highest standards of behaviour, by having professional boundaries with people with disability. This includes preventing and responding to any inappropriate behaviour by anyone to a person with disability."

Elle Slater

NDIS Code of Conduct

I add my absolute commitment and belief in the NDIS code of conduct and list them:


  1. Act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self determination and decision making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions.
    All people with disability have full and equal human rights to make their own decisions, live how they choose and receive the support they need.

  2. Respect the privacy of people with disability.
    People with disability have the right not to have their personal information disclosed to others without their informed consent — unless mandatory reporting is required.

  3. Provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill.
    All workers under the NDIS are expected to have adequate expertise and competence necessary for safe and skilful service delivery. You must have and maintain the required qualifications and skills.

  4. Act with integrity, honesty and transparency.
    Integrity and honesty are crucial to developing trust between you and people with disability so you must be transparent about your qualifications and any limits on your competencies. You must disclose to your NDIS provider if you have failed a worker screening clearance or been subject to a professional misconduct finding

  5. Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of supports and services provided to people with disability.
    If the safety or the quality of support for people with disability is at risk you should take immediate action to address the reasons why. Ensure the person is safe and consult with them about how they would like to resolve the issue and take action.

  6. Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability..
    People with disability are at a far greater risk of and are more likely to experience violence, a   abuse, neglect and exploitation than those without a disability

  7.  Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual   misconduct.

People with disability have a right to sexual expression and to develop and maintain sexual    relationships. However, they are at an increased risk of all forms of sexual violence and sexual misconduct.



Emergency                  000

Life line                      13 11 14

Parentline Vic              13 22 89

Kids Helpline, phone    1800 55 1800

Nurse-On-Call 24/7    1300 60 60 24 for expert health information and advice 

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